First Name (required) Surname (required) Gender MaleFemale Date of Birth:YY-MM-DD (required) Place of Birth:(Required) Nationality: (passport) Passport Number:(Required) Passport Expiry Date:YY-MM-DD Schengen Visa: Schengen Schengen Expiry Date:YY-MM-DD
USA B1B2 Visa: B1B2
B1B2 Expiry Date:YY-MM-DD
Seamans Medical:(Issued By)
Seamans Medical Expiry Date:YY-MM-DD
STCW95 BST: (Issued by)
STCW Expiry Date:YY-MM-DD
Certificate of Competency: (Full details)
COC Issued by: CoC Expiry Date:YY-MM-DD
Best Contact Number:(incl country code) WhatsApp Number:(incl country code)
Your Email (required) Confirm Email: Your Skype address: Instagram account: LinkedIn Profile Home Address: Your address City: Which State: ZIP/Postal code: Country:
Current Location (Country)
Your availability - please select: Available nowMust give noticeFreelance only Comment: Availability date, notice period,etc Position Sought: CaptainFirst OfficerSecond OfficerFirst MateBosunDeckhandDeck/StewETOHead ChefSous/Crew ChefCook/StewPurserChief Steward(ess)Head of HousekeepingHead of ServiceStewardessLaundryMasseuseBeauty TherapistNannyNurse
Type of Vessel: MotorSail Do you smoke: YesNo Would you take a drug test: YesNo Do You Have Special Dietary Requirements?
Upload Resume:
Upload Copy of Passport:
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Thank you for taking the time to submit your details to Seaward Crew. We will be in contact shortly to request copies of additional documents and to discuss your career options.